Wednesday, January 23, 2013

7 reasons why Cosmo says guys cheat

Source-1. They're Avoiding Intimacy
"Some men cheat to avoid any real intimacy. Intimacy scares them, so they distance themselves from their wife or girlfriend by cheating on her," says psychiatrist Gail Saltz, MD. This way they never have to fully rely on someone else, so they can't get hurt. Yeah, it makes sense in their minds…
2. They Crave Intimacy
On the flip side, some men are searching for intimacy outside of their relationship. According sex expert Emily Morse, some couples drift apart over time and don't communicate about their lack of intimacy. When that happens, some men think it's easier to just cheat instead of talking about it.
3. They're Hooked on the Honeymoon
You know how it goes-you can't get enough of each other at the beginning. But after a while, things feel more comfortable…which isn't a bad thing. Some men live for that honeymoon high and go elsewhere to find it.

4. They Want Control

Dr. Saltz says some men are unfaithful because they want control and power in the relationship, and cheating puts the ball in their court.
5. They Lack Willpower
Morse says that some men are just plain weak. They give into a sexual affair, "simply because the opportunity presented itself and they weren't strong enough to say no." Sounds like a cop-out to us.
6. They've Gotten Away With it Before
According to Dr. Saltz, not every cheater is a repeat offender, but they can be-especially if they haven't worked on figuring out what drove them to in the first place or if they just don't care about anyone but themselves.

7. They Want Variety

Get this: Some men will cheat even though they love the woman they're with. "Men admit to cheating because they crave variety" says Morse, "but have done so while still being very happy in their current relationship." Yeah…that's ridiculously lame.

Cosmo making shit way too complicated and proving once again they have no fucking clue what is going on in a guy's head. Either that or they know the truth but don't want to depress their fanbase.( delusional chicks who think quizzes and horoscopes are key to figuring out relationships)

Here are the 3 reasons we cheat:

1) Your sex game sucks but you bring enough intangibles to the table where we will still date you.

2) You got fat.

3) Alcohol

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