Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Teacher duct tapes student's mouths shut, then uploads pics on Facebook

An Ohio middle school teacher is fighting to keep her job after a photo was seen on her Facebook page showing students of hers with duct tape across their mouths. The Akron school board is considering whether to terminate her.
Melissa Cairns, a middle school math teacher at Buchtel Community Learning Center, has been on unpaid administrative leave after an Akron public schools worker noticed a photo posted on Facebook of a group of students with duct tape across their mouths. The caption on the photo: "Finally found a way to get them to be quiet!!!"
Jason Haas, president of the Akron Board of Education, said the case raises questions about students' privacy and social media.
"This is the start of my sixth year on the board. In that time, we haven't had a case come before us for potential disciplinary action for posting a picture to social media websites," said Haas. "Has she violated the students' privacy? That's what we're concerned about. Everyone seems to be focused on the duct tape."
Sarah Hollander, communications officer for Akron Public Schools, issued a statement describing the case:
"There were about 15 or 16 middle school students in the class. Eight or nine students put the tape on their mouths. Cairns took a photo and posted it on her personal Facebook page as a joke. The photo wasn't dated, but was likely taken in late September or early October 2012," said Hollander. "Principal Sonya Gordon asked Cairns to take the photo down. She also alerted parents of students in the class." 

I think we can all agree this teacher is an idiot. Not so much for the duct taping of kid's mouths thing, but posting it on your Facebook after is such a chick move. They just feel the need to document every mundane occurrence, " Cooked chicken and veggies for lunch, gym nowwww getting ready for bikini season LOL! Plans laterrrrr????" It could be innocent but annoying updates like that but once in a while you get a pic on your newsfeed that makes your jaw drop, like when that chick who use to be cute in high school but is now 8 months pregnant post a disgusting picture of her bare, bulging about to pop stomach or you get a gem from Ms. Carins posting pics of kids duct taped up. Bottom line is bitches will post anything online, nothing is off limits.

PS- Love the principal, he doesn't give a fuck about the duct taped kids, just their privacy.

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